So here we are, in lock down, and no where to go. Yet, everyone wants their hair done ASAP-to go absolutely no where.
This leads me to think that it’s more about how your hair makes you “feel.” I have always believed hair is one of our best features, next to eyes, eyes are up there too, but HAIR is so versatile because we can dramatically change it and it grows back, unlike eyes...
I do “helpful tips” styling videos on social media, but at the end of the day, you can only do just so much on your own self or your house mate or family, then a professional needs to enter the room.
It just feels better when someone else shampoos your hair! I can’t help but laugh at all the hair memes that have been posted to my timeline on Facebook and Instagram. Those posts prove that we hair stylists are missed, and appreciated. That warms my heart.
Bella-Bella Salon closed on March 17th BEFORE mandated due to Covid19. Because I knew we didn’t have enough knowledge about this virus, or how to perform our jobs safely. It was time to prepare!
For the last six weeks I have absorbed so much information on the virus, I feel I could sit next to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx and follow their conversations, where as six weeks ago I didn’t know the difference between a virus and a spore!
Being closed has shifted my attention to other things I could do for Bella-Bella Salon besides stand behind the chair for 12 hours a day. We created a website, BellaBellaSalonOfNJ.com and also aired a commercial.
Bella Bella Salon started a food drive for Kings Things in Swedesboro NJ, and St. Paul’s UMC in Paulsboro NJ. Most importantly we did several on line courses to be certified in sanitation. I have collected Personal Protection Equipment, PPE. We are preparing for a more sanitary way to perform our profession so that we can work safely until a cure or vaccine is discovered.
One thing about the hair industry is that change is inevitable, it forces us stylists to stay on top of what’s trending. We discover the trend. We study it. We absorb it, even if we don’t like the trend. We take the trend back to the salon. In our own crafty ways we follow the guidelines set before us, and perform the new trend.
Well, this virus is the new trend. I feel confident that we are prepared to perform safely and nail it! I couldn’t say that six weeks ago.
As painful as it was to be closed and isolated from our loved ones, this time off was needed to prepare for this new trend.
Now confidently I can say I look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Looking forward to seeing all of you too!
Paula, I love this! I love how our Bella Bella Family, has evolved during this “Unprecedented” time. It has been a pleasure to be a part of all these amazing things. I also feel as though we are ready to open back up, and able to keep everyone safe. I miss you all so much!!! - Dennis