This is going to be painful for me to write and for some, painful to read.
Let’s just rip off the bandaid and clean up the proverbial wound.
Imagine you only get paid when your client shows up?
That’s the real world a hairstylist lives in.
Also imagine you are a very busy stylist who has a list of clients waiting to get in and you can’t contact the waiting client because your scheduled client never informed you they were not coming. This equates a loss in revenue for the stylist. In the hair industry we call it a “No Show."
Thankfully this doesn’t happen too frequently.
There tends to be a client every now and then that has a pattern like this presenting it’s self. That is when we at the front desk have to exert kindness and patience.
Repeatedly not showing up will result in a deposit required in order to rebook.
We all have missed appointments.
Sometimes we have a conflict that arrises last minute.
Sometimes you just plain forget. All of this is what I call normal.
Communication is key here.
EVERYONE is so attached to their phones these days that I find it hard to believe calling to let your stylist know you can’t make it is unbelievable. (Unless your phone is lost.)
I have heard every excuse imaginable…
(1) Apartment buildings on fire.
(2) Being Hospitalized but they are calling from their land line
(3) Dog is sick
(4) Cat is sick
(5) Chickens got out
(6) Bird died
All of these are viable excuses to cancel, BUT NOT EVERY TIME YOU CANCEL!
Just being honest that you forgot is all we need to hear at the front desk to get you scheduled again.
Tardiness…I’m going to be self deprecating here. I admit I build ten minutes into every appointment I schedule for myself because I literally run ten minutes late for almost everything. (Except buses and airplanes) I’ve been told it’s because I talk too much and with my hands. Incidentally, if you are more than ten minutes late, we will call you, and depending on the service you are receiving, and how far away you are, we will determine if you will be seen. Nothing irks me more when I see someone walk in late with a coffee that is full and they didn’t give a call to say they are running late
We at Bella Bella Hair Salon are for the most part a fun little place to come to.
We have a family style atmosphere. Every family I know has rules that require everyone to feel respected, accepted, and safe. For a salon to exist we have to have clients who return and we have grow so that we can pay our overhead expenses, and to live a decent lifestyle while practicing our craft.
When you show up, and you’re not more than a few minutes late, you are showing such great respect to your stylist.
We standing behind the chair are doing our best to please you with our service. We can’t do it without you doing your part. Just like a family we have to work together.
I hope this showed you our perspective. We truly are blessed to have such a great little space. We look forward to hopefully seeing you soon -no more than ten minutes late! LOL