What type of person are you when it comes to making hair appointments? Do you just wake up one day and say, “I need my hair done!” Do you procrastinate week after week until you need to get in ASAP, then you regret waiting so long because you couldn’t see your regular stylist since he or she is booked in advance? Or do you book in advance?
Personally, I try to schedule my color and cuts regularly especially around social events, even more so during the holiday season. I am a very organized type and live by my calendar. Maybe half the world is like me, I don’t know...
There is concrete proof that hair should be cut within 8 to 10 weeks for the optimum good health of the hair, even if you are growing your hair out. All this scheduling is annoying as heck, but to ensure you get your favorite stylist it is a must.
We at Bella~Bella Hair Salon like to reschedule everyone during their checkout after their service. It seems most people have a pattern, some like to come after work. Some people prefer early in the morning. There are some clients who come on their days off so they look good for the day running errands and getting a bite later on. We have clients who live out of state who book with us when they come in to visit family on the weekends.
It is so interesting to see how people live! Believe it or not, we at Bella~Bella Hair Salon have clients who book every 3 to 4 weeks a year in advance. Thank God everyone is so different. It would be insane if everyone wanted the same time of day or day of the week. Thank God we evolved from back in the day when on Saturday’s women came for a wash and set and they would be lined up down the block. (By the way, I’m glad that died off!)
What makes pre-booking work for us at Bella~Bella Hair Salon is that we personally call and confirm your appointment the day before. This little reminder helps save you and our time. There is no cancellation fee. It’s just nice to hear you are coming and if you can’t make it, it allows us to move other people in, or move up our finish time, or heck, get a bite to eat!
On a final note, sometimes people forget, or can’t make it for some last-minute reason. We here at Bella~Bella Hair Salon appreciates you, and we understand. We all are human, and we pull rabbits out of hats to make sure you get in.